Pinnacles National Park



The Pinnacles trip was quite the success!

With 28 kids and 8 advisers strong, the Post had our largest out of state trip yet! Our group packed all of the gear and food we would need for the week into a couple SUV’s and 15 passenger vans and left early on a Saturday morning for our great adventure. The drive to Pinnacles was long, but every time you looked out the window you were stunned by the beautiful rolling hills and luscious trees. Once we got to Pinnacles, we established a camp and settled into a routine for the next 4 days. Wake up, make breakfast, climb, eat dinner, repeat. After each days climbing, we were grateful to come back to delectable meals such as Pad Thai and have a chance to visit with new and old friends. This trip was the first time climbing for many new post members. Old members, new members and advisers alike were all feeling challenged and fulfilled when departed from Pinnacles and arrived back in Portland. We’ll miss you Pinnacles! 

-Stella Augustine, trip co-leader

