Post 58 waitlist is open

New members typically join in October

Making the outdoors accessible for youth



Recent Adventures

Community outreach: working with underserved youth in portland

Post 58 partners with 15 local organizations to bring the personal growth and mental health benefits of outdoor activities to youth of color, teens in foster care and youth experiencing homelessness.

Canada: the selkirk mountains

Students and advisors from the Post went on a once in a life time journey to the mountains of Canada; with helicopters, mountaineering, and glacier travel. Young Postee Desmond Steinke writes about the inside scoop of this trip…

North cascades backpack trip june

Travelling through the North Cascades with a heavy backpack is hard enough, but each June the Post offers an early-season five day trip designed to challenge students with off trail hiking, bushwhacking and exploration. Read about it here.


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The wonderous Canadian Mountains


(And remember that all donations are tax deductible!)





Canada Trip!

Every year, the Post ventures into the Canadian wilderness and sets up base camp somewhere in the Purcell Mountains – a range above Idaho in the province of British Columbia. Often times there are two separate sets of dates offered that are held back-to-back. This year, both trips were held during the same week in different locations. It was a grand time with multiple first ascents, exciting weather (a lightning storm) and many other bonding experiences. Click here to read more about one group's experience.

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Community Outreach


The Post has joined with a number of local organizations that work with underserved youth in the Portland metropolitan area to provide meaningful outdoor education and adventure experiences for teenagers.  These activities and trips include day hikes, challenge activities, rock climbs, backpack trips and even mountain climbs.


Explore Our Gallery

Take a peek at our gallery to get a taste of what experiences the Post can offer you. Browse mountaineering, hiking, backpacking, and rock climbing trips.


Support Us

Post 58 provides teenagers in the Portland area with challenging outdoor experiences that provide opportunities for personal growth, connection with the nature and a way to interact with their peers away from the stress of school and digital distractions.  The organization is largely student led and focuses on development of leadership, resilience, compassion and group living skills. 


No other organization is doing this type of work for teens in the Portland area.  The Post needs your help to continue its efforts.  The Post runs all of its 100 + activities at very low cost to the students: essentially the cost of car mileage and permits.  We rely on our supporters to help with the cost of liability insurance, office overhead, gear maintenance and acquisition, training for the adult advisors, and accident insurance


Join Post58

Are you interested in joining Post 58?

The waitlist is OPEN!

